James T. Miller

James T. Miller


Born in 1972, James is a self taught photographer.
Throughout his life James would happily be lost in the images rather than caught up in words. For him the lack of imagination has never been an issue. He stumbled into the world of photography in his mid 20’s. Using a fully manual 35 mm Canon FTB camera manufactured in 1971, he began learning the technical side of photography. In time he developed an aspiration to attempt to capture visually interesting moments in time.
He feels life experiences help mold a persons view of the world. As much as he would love to list his experiences, they are best left in conversations. So dash forward through all those up’s and downs and here we are.
Nowadays he continues to develop his love of photography and sharing the images he captures. Using a modern camera and lenses definitely has many advantages, but the knowledge learned using the 1971 Canon camera is irreplaceable. His best images have yet to be captured. And if they are, it’s been fun.
